Period : 201701 - 202103
Horizontal grid : North America (regional model)
Spatial resolution :  ~2.5 km
Temporal resolution :  6-hourly
Data source :  CMC/RPN
Location (RPN) : ~archive/CMC_Data/
Fields :

SDSnow Depthcm
DNSnow Densitykg/m3

CaPA (native grid)

Period : 201103 - 202205
Horizontal grid : North America (regional model)
Spatial resolution :  ~10 km
Temporal resolution :  6-hourly
Data source :  CMC/RPN
Location (RPN) : ~data/Validation/CaPA/CaPA_06h_Vincent
Fields :

PRTotal precipitationm/s

CaPA (PS grid)

Period : 200201 - 202102
Horizontal grid : North America (regional model)
Spacial resolution :  ~10 km
Temporal resolution :  6-hourly
Data source :  CMC/RPN
Location (NetCDF) :~archive/ANALYSES/CaPA

Files were downloaded from :

ncl_convert2nc was used to convert them from grib2 to netcdf.

Note : Please note that those files are more easy to manipulate using cdo due to some parameters not being CF compliant. 

Fields :

APCP_P8_L1_GST0_acc-6hTotal precipitationm/6hour
CFRZR_P8_L1_GST0_avg-6hCategorical freezing rain (yes=1; no=0)non-dim


Periods : 201803 - 202108
Horizontal grid : North America (regional model)
Spacial resolution :  2.5 km
Temporal resolution :  6-hourly
Data source :  CMC/RPN (downloaded through CaSPAr (Mai et al., 2020))
Location (RPN)  : ~data/Validation/CaPA_fine
Location (NetCDF)  : ~archive/CMC_Data/CaPA_fine

Fields :

PRTotal precipitationm/s

Attention : For the NetCDF format, the unit is is m/6h.


Period : 199609 - 200807
Horizontal grid : 181x91 (2.0 deg) L grid (CMC/RPN)
Vertical info : 18 pressure levels from 10 hPa to 1000 hPa
Data source :  Colin Jones, SMHI

Driving data :  Atmospheric driving data on pressure levels
                       SST & sea ice

Location : marvin:/local/sata1/data/ECMWF

Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) Daily Snow Depth Analysis Data

The data and documentation can be accessed from here: The dataset contains snow depth and snow water equivalent variables.

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