Comparaison des versions


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Raw n-hourly/minutely model output
"normal" output used for evaluation/analysis

DiagnosticsMonthly means and variances, and timeseries calculated/assembled by the post processing (only if CLIMAT_diagnos=1 )
"normal" output used for evaluation/analysis
AnalysisInitial conditions files which can be used to initialize another simulations (only if CLIMAT_out_anal is set)
PilotsPilot files which can be used to drive another simulation at the lateral boundaries (only if CLIMAT_out_pilot is set)
ListingsModel listings, jobs, and config files
RestartsRestart files which can be used to restart a simulation from given check points. Once a simulation is finished remove several of these files to only keep 1 or 2 per year, since they are fairly large.
Configuration files, initial conditions, geophysical fields and executable needed to run simulation

And then you should also have this file:
which is a copy of the executable.
