Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.


All fields as requested in 'outcfg.out'.

Inside the 'Samples' directory is one directory per month, starting with the name of the experiment and ending with a year and month: ${exp}_YYYYMM

There is also a directory ending on *_step0. This directory contains files that only contain data for timestep 0, the initial conditions. All accumulators for timestep 0 are zero, which is why this timestep is kept aside.

Inside these directories you find files with the following names:

File name explanation

All file names under Samples are bulid build the following way:



  • monthly means (*_moyenne) and variances (*_variance) calculated for all model output fields
  • 2-D time series (*_ts) for selected fields (if requested and available)

Inside the 'Diagnostics' directory is one directory per month, starting with the name of the experiment and ending with a year and month: ${exp}_YYYYMM

Inside these directories you find files with the following names:


Fixed fields

Fixed fields can generally be found under the 'Samples' directory inside the directory ending on '*_step0'.
ME will be in the dm-file, all other fixed fields are usually in the pm-file.
