Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.


  • If you do not add a path to the output file name the file will end up in $TMPDIR!!!
  • All fields in a file must have the same levels.  
    You cannot have i.e. sigma, hybrid, arbitrary and pressure levels in the same file!!! Nor can there be, for example, a field on 20 pressure levels and another on only 1 pressure level. If your RPN input file contains fields with different types or numbers of levels you can select the fields your want to convert with 'r.diag' and/or 'editfst' - see above.
  • If converting RPN to NetCDF make sure your RPN file contains all necessary grid descriptors ('^^', '>>', '^>', 'HY','!!')
  • All variables you want to convert need to be in the attribute list
    You can find an example file on the servers under:   ~winger/Scripts/NetCDF_converter/attribut_netcdf.dat

    For each variable that is to be converted needs to be an entry starting with 'def_attribut' at the end of the file. Higher up in the file you find the documentation - see also below.
    Make sure that the factors are correct!!!  If one or more of your variables are not in this file, just take a copy and add the missing variables.


 def_attribut[ name; ccname; mult; add;
               nom_attribut = valeur_attribut;
               nom_attribut = valeur_attribut; N;
               nom_attribut = valeur_attribut; valeur_attribut; N; ]


    name: noms netCDF OBLIGATOIRE
 cccname: noms CCCma en format 4H  OBLIGATOIRE
 mult: facteur multiplicatif pour la conversion des unites netCDF->CCCma name of netCDF variable - mandatory
   cccname: name of RPN variable - mandatory
   mult: multiplication factor for units (type real) DEFAUT 1.0
    add: facteur additif pour la conversion des unites netCDF->CCCma additive factor for units (type real) DEFAUT 0.0
    nom_attribut: nom de l'attribut
 name of the attribute
   valeur_attribut: valeur associee a value associated to "nom_attribut"
    N: entier definissant le type de integer vale defining the type of "valeur_attribut" (2=character, 3=integer*2, 5=real*4)



       - Unit conversion from RPN → netCDF:


        unit(RPN) = mult*






       - Unit conversion from netCDF → RPN :


        unit(netCDF)= (




       - 'nom_attribut' and 'valeur_attribut' are only used for conversions to nsfCDF format.
Never put a space before the ";"!
       - "[", "]", "=" et and ";" are reserved characters. So do Do not use them otherwise, for example in names or descriptions.