Daymet (Thornton et al., 2020; Thornton et al., 1997) est un ensemble de données à 1 km sur une projection conique conforme de Lambert issu de l’interpolation de données de station. Les données sont disponibles une fois par jour. La valeur de SWE disponible dans daymet a été été calculée dans le cadre de l’algorithme de calcul de la radiation solaire quotidienne afin d’en réduire le biais et donc est une valeur estimée. La température moyenne quotidienne de l'air est calculée à partir de la température minimale et maximale pour chaque jour de la façon suivante : tavg=0.5*(tmax+tmin). Daymet considère une journée comme une fenêtre de 24 heures en heure local.
Period : 1980 - 20222023
Spatial coverage : North America, land only; grid: lambert conformal conic
Spatial resolution : 1 km
Temporal resolution : daily values
DOI : https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/2129
Fields :
Period : 2001 (mostly 2004) - 20192023
Spatial coverage : Canada
Spatial resolution : 397 weather stations
Temporal resolution : hourly values
Fields :
Unadj_P / Nonaj_P | [mm] | Unadjusted Quality Controlled precipitation amount |
Tair / Tair | [°C] | Hourly dry bulb surface temperature used in the adjustment |
Wind_10m / Vent | [m/s] | Hourly 10 m wind speed used in the adjustment |
Wind_Flag / Vent_Ind | Numeric flag that specifies what wind speed data is used for the calculation of Catch Efficiency (see below) | |
CE / EC | Calculated Catch Efficiency | |
UTF_Adj_P / UTF_Aju_P | [mm] | Adjusted precipitation amount (Unadj_P * 1/CE) |
CODECON / CODECON | [mm] | Hourly CODECON correction |
UTF_Adj+CODECON_P / UTF_Aju+CODECON_P | [mm] | Adjusted precipitation amount with the addition of the CODECON correction |
Location : ~data(up to 2019) : ~data/Validation/ECCC_adj_precip
Location (up to 2023) : ~data/Validation/ECCC_adj_precip/2023_update
Documentation : ~data/Validation/ECCC_adj_precip/READMEs
Source : https://doi.org/10.18164/6b90d130-4e73-422a-9374-07a2437d7e52
GLEAM v3 (Martens et al., 2017) est un ensemble de données à 0.25° sur une projection globale estimant l'évaporation à partir de plusieurs produits comme ERA5, MSWEP et Globsnow et de l'assimilation de données satellitaires de l'humidité du sol. Cet ensemble de données est particulièrement intéressant puisqu'il est à la même résolution que la réanalyse ERA5.
Location : ~archive/OBSERVATIONS/GSMAP_V8
Source : https://sharaku.eorc.jaxa.jp/GSMaP/guide.html
Multi-satellite precipitation product for the U.S. GPM team. The precipitation estimates from the various precipitation-relevant satellite passive microwave (PMW) sensors comprising the GPM constellation are computed using the 2017 version of the Goddard Profiling Algorithm (GPROF2017), then gridded, intercalibrated to the GPM Combined Ku Radar-Radiometer Algorithm (CORRA) product, and merged into half-hourly 0.1°x0.1° (roughly 10x10 km) fields. The data contain multiple fields that provide information on the input data, selected intermediate fields, and estimation quality. In general, the complete calibrated precipitation, precipitationCal, is the data field of choice for most users. This is the "Final", satellite-gauge product, using both forward and backward morphing and including monthly gauge analyses.
Location (files with corrected dimensions order) : ~archive~archive/OBSERVATIONS/IMERG_V6
The Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) IMERG is a NASA product estimating global surface precipitation rates at a high resolution of 0.1° every half-hour beginning 2000. It is part of the joint NASA-JAXA Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission, using the GPM Core Observatory satellite as the standard to combine precipitation observations from an international constellation of satellites using advanced techniques. IMERG can be used for global-scale applications as well as over regions with sparse or no reliable surface observations. The fine spatial and temporal resolution of IMERG data allows them to be accumulated to the scale of the application for increased skill. While IMERG strives for consistency and accuracy, satellite estimates of precipitation are expected to have lower skill over frozen surfaces, complex terrain, and coastal zones. As well, the changing GPM satellite constellation over time may introduce artifacts that affect studies focusing on multi-year changes.
**Please note that the precipitation in mm/hr in with the timestamp h:mm represent the accumulation for the period [h:mm, h:mm + 30m[**
Period : 200006 - 202312
Spatial coverage : Global, with missing values
Spatial resolution : 0.1 deg
Temporal resolution : 30 minutely
Fields :
precipitation | complete calibrated precipitation [mm/hr] |
Source (data download) : https://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/datasets/GPM_3IMERGHH_07/summary?keywords=%22IMERG%20final%22
Source (documentation ) : https://gpm.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/2024-02/IMERG_V07_ReleaseNotes_240221.pdf
Location : ~archive/OBSERVATIONS/IMERG_V7
Integrated Surface Database (ISD)