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USGWGWD induced surface u-stressN/m2
VSGWGWD induced surface v-stressN/m2
ARAvg. of EI (outgoing IR energy flux at model lid)W/m2
ABAvg. of IV (incoming solar flux at model lid)W/m2
AUAvg. of EV (outgoing visible energy flux at model lid)W/m2
ADAvg. of FI (IR energy flux towards ground)W/m2
ASAvg. of FS (vis. flux absorbed by ground)W/m2
NFAvg. of NT (2-dim cloud cover)0-1
A1Avg. of convective liquid precipitationm/s
A2Avg. of stratiform liquid precipitationm/s
A3Avg. of convective solid precipitationm/s
A4Avg. of stratiform solid precipitationm/s
A8Avg. of liquid shallow convective precipitationm/s
A9Avg. of solid shallow convective precipitationm/s
AEAvg. of stratiform precipitationm/s
FRAvg. of freezing precipitationm/s
PCAvg. of convective precipitationm/s
PEAvg. of frozen precipitationm/s
PRAvg. of total precipitation (= RN+SN = PC+AE)m/s
RNAvg. of liquid precipitationm/s
SNAvg. of snow precipitationm/s
RCImplicit precipitation ratem/s
RTTotal precipitation ratem/s
AHAvg. of FC (upward surface sensible heat flux)W/m2
AGAvg. heat flux in soilW/m2
AVAvg. of FV (surface latent heat flux)W/m2
AIAvg. of SI (Net IR energy flux at the surface)W/m2
AWAvg. of FQ (surf. momentum flux)N/m2
FQSurface momentum fluxN/m2
S7Avg. of u-stressN/m2
S8Avg. of v-stressN/m2
N0Avg. of soil surface runoffmm/s
O1Avg. of soil base drainagemm/s
TRAFAvg. of surface runoff for all surface types + aggmm/s
TDRAAvg. of base drainage for all surface types + aggmm/s
N2Avg. of liquid precip. (ISBA)m/s
N3Avg. of solid precip.m/s
N4Avg. of FB (downward solar flux at surface)W/m2
O5Avg. of bare ground latent heat fluxW/m2
O6Avg. of latent heat flux from leavesW/m2
O7Avg. of sublimation from snowm/s of water
O8Avg. of vegetation transpirationkg/m2
O9Avg. of evaporation from vegetationkg/m2
I0Surface and soil temperaturesK
I1Soil volumetric water contentsm3/m3
I7Sea ice temperatureK
I8Sea ice thicknessm
I9Glacier temperatureK
LGSea ice fraction in geophysical fields0-1
GLIce Sea ice fraction0-1
GYSea ice fraction (unmodified)0-1
SDSnow depthcm
ALVisible surface albedo0-1
TMSea temperatureK
J8Area-averaged surface temperatureK
FCUpward surface sensible heat fluxW/m2
FVUpward surface latent heat fluxW/m2
FSSolar flux absorbed at surfaceW/m2
FBDownward solar fluxW/m2
IVIncoming solar radiation at model topW/m2
SINet infrared flux at the surface (+ downward)W/m2
FISurface incoming infrared fluxW/m2
EIOutgoing infrared energy exiting the atmosphereW/m2
TGRadiative surface temperatureK
MGLand-sea mask0-1
K2Avg. of kshal counter0-1
DNSnow densitykg/m3
I2Soil volumetric ice contentsm3/m3
I3Water retained on the vegetationkg/m2
I4Water in the snow packkg/m2
I6Albedo of snow0-1
HRMXScreen max. relative humidity0-1
HRMNScreen min. relative humidity0-1
QSAVScreen specific humidity averagekg/kg
IMAVIntegrated soil moisture averagekg/m2
P0AVSurface pressure averagePa
UVAVScreen wind modulus averagem/s
UVMXScreen max wind modulusm/s
HHeight of boundary layerm
IEIntegrated cloud water/icemm
IHIntegrated water vapormm
IIIntegrated ice watermm
IWVMIntegrated water vapor avge over last moyhr hourskg/m2
ICRMTotal LWP for rad avge over last moyhr hourskg/m2
IIRMTotal IWP for rad avge over last moyhr hourskg/m2
ACLBAvg. of net clear sky lw flux at the surfaceW/m2
ACLTAvg. of net clear sky lw flux at the topW/m2
ACSBAvg. of net clear sky solar flux at the surfaceW/m2
ACSTAvg. of net clear sky solar flux at the topW/m2
T5Min. temperature over the last moyhr hoursK
T9Max. temperature over the last moyhr hoursK
KEHMTotal kinetic energy (per unit area) calculated on hybryd levelsJ/m2
TTHMTemperature (mass-weighted vertically average) calculated on hybryd levelsK
AMHMTotal relative angular momentum (per unit area) calculated on hybryd levelskg/s
UGGWD u tend. avge over the last moyhr hoursm/s2
V6GWD v tend. avge over the last moyhr hoursm/s2
X2u dif. tend. avge over the last moyhr hoursm/s2
X3v dif. tend. avge over the last moyhr hoursm/s2
UQVAVertically averaged u-wind * specific humiditym/s kg/kg
VQVAVertically averaged v-wind * specific humiditym/s kg/kg
UTVAVertically averaged u-wind * temperatureK m/s
VTVAVertically averaged v-wind * temperatureK m/s
CATotal clouds avge over the last moyhr hours%
CLDRTotal clouds for rad average over last moyhr hours%
IWCRCloud ice water for rad average over last moyhr hourskg/kg
LWCRCloud liquid water for rad average over last moyhr hourskg/kg
T6T2 (vis. heating rate interpo.from T20) avge over the last moyhr hoursK/s
T7TI (IR heating rate) avge over the last moyhr hrsK/s
W5QC (liquid and solid water in the atmosphere) strat. tend. avge over the last moyhr hours(kg/kg)/s
W6t conv. tend. avge over the last moyhr hoursK/s
W7t strat. tend. avge over the last moyhr hoursK/s
W8HU conv. tend. avge over the last moyhr hours(kg/kg)/s
W9HU strat. tend. avge over the last moyhr hours(kg/kg)/s
X1QC (liquid and solid water in the atmosphere) conv. tend. avge over the last moyhr hours(kg/kg)/s
X4HU dif. tend. avge over the last moyhr hours(kg/kg)/s
X5t dif. tend. avge over the last moyhr hoursK/s
X6Avg. T tendency shallow conv. over the last moyhr hoursK/s
X7Avg. HU tendency shallow conv. over the last moyhr hours(kg/kg)/s
Y1Cloud liquid (and ice) water content avgekg/kg
Y2Cloud ice water content avgekg/kg
