This file contains Fortran "namelists" which will be read by the model. This means you cannot put any comments inside the namelists, but you can put comments in between two namelists!
This file is very sensitive to errors. Even a missing '.' can make the model crash and all you will get is a message saying that there is an error in a specific namelist and it is up to you to find this error.
The parameters set here determine:
- model grid
- model (and driving data) time step
- output file formats (monthly/daily/..., etiket)
- advection & diffusion
- spectral nudging
- physics (radiation/convection/surface/...) schemes
- ...
For more information have a look at an extract of RPN's wiki pages:
GEM_4.8.lts12 dynamic namelists
GEM_4.8.lts12 physics namelists
GEM_5.0.0 namelists
In UQAM mode the following parameters will be set automatically, according to certain parameters in your 'configexp.cfg':
- 'Step_runstrt_S' and 'Fcst_end_S' (according to start date and current month)
- 'hyb' and 'Grd_rcoef' (according to 'CLIMAT_etaname')
- Greenhouse gas concentrations: qcfc12, qcfc11, qch4, qn2o, qco2 (according to ${CLIMAT_ghg_list})
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