To run, GEM needs the configuration files (short "config" files) listed below, which all need to be in a directory called "config directory". To make the exchange of these files easier between different users, I suggest we all keep similar "base" directory structures. Suggestion:


For 'version' put one of the following:

    v_4.8.12.u   (GEM4.8)
    v_5.0.0   (GEM5.0)
    v_5.1.1   (GEM5.1.1)

Whenever you have problems with a simulation, let me know what the problem seems to be and where I can find your config files!

These are the needed config files:

If you want to start a new simulation I suggest you copy a set of config files from another simulation, which is as close as possible to the one you want to run and then modify them.

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