This file is a shell parameter file which gets sourced by the scripts. You can put comments in it like in any other shell script and there must never be a space before or after the '=' sign. The parameters set here determine:
- name of experiment (always keep *_YYYYMM and the end of the name)
- start and end date
- model time step
- model levels
- number of cores to run on
- where to find the input files
- where to archive the output
- control output of pilot files
- ...
When running UQAM style there are several more parameters to be set than in ECCC's forecast mode. These extra parameters all start with 'CLIMAT_...'.
General GEM parameters:
BACKEND_mach | Name of machine to run on → Keep set to ${TRUE_HOST} | |
BACKEND_time_mod | Requested job wallclock time in seconds | |
BACKEND_cm | Requested memory per MPI process -> gets adjusted automatically by the model scripts | |
GEM_ptopo | MPI(x*y) * OMP PEs topology (Syntax: MPIx x MPIy x OpenMP). Example: GEM_ptopo=8x4x2 uses 8 MPI tiles in x-direction, 4 MPI tiles in y-direction with OpenMP=2 for a total of 64 cores. You can set the OpenMP factor (last factor ) to 1 or 2. If there are enough resources you can also set it to 4. Keep in mind that the minimum number of grid points for a GEM tile is ~25: | |
GEM_exp | Current experiment name; Keep the '_YYYYMM' at the end. It will get replaced by the scripts with the current year/month! | |
GEM_anal | Full path of initial condition file. This file needs to match the start date of your simulation! | |
GEM_anclima | Full path of SST & sea ice fraction files minus the _YYYYMM at the end! | |
GEM_climato | Climatological file or directory | |
GEM_ozone | Full path of the ozone climatology file | |
GEM_geophy | Geophysical fields file; specify directory of file 'Gem_geophy.fst' This file should match your grid! | |
GEM_inrep | Working directory for driving data On CC machines this should be under ~/scratch/... | |
GEM_ovbin | Path to the model executables (up until but excluding 'build-${ORDENV_PLAT}') |
Extra parameters when running "UQAM style":
CLIMAT_startdate | Start date of simulation. Format: 'YYYY MM DD hh' This date must match the validity date of all the fields in the analysis file. Never change the startdate during a running simulation!!! | |
CLIMAT_enddate | End date of simulation. Format: 'YYYY MM DD hh' You can change this while the simulation is running. | |
CLIMAT_arch_mach | Archive machine (machine you are running on) so you can always set: CLIMAT_arch_mach=${TRUE_HOST} | |
CLIMAT_archdir | Archive directory on ${CLIMAT_arch_mach} | |
CLIMAT_interval | Number of months to run per one job | |
CLIMAT_outrep | Name of temporary output directory On CC machines this should be under ~/scratch/... (At least while this filesystem behaves well!) | |
CLIMAT_deltat | Model time step in seconds. Must match 'Step_dt' in file gem_setting.nml! | |
CLIMAT_etaname | Pre-defined hybrib model level set. See 'Climat_eta2preshyb' for possible settings. | |
CLIMAT_diagnos | 1: Calculate monthly means and variances | |
CLIMAT_update_ghg | 1: Update greenhouse gases yearly | |
CLIMAT_ghg_list | Greenhouse gas table | |
CLIMAT_nest_rept | LAM only: Path of lateral boundary conditions | |
CLIMAT_nest_exp | LAM only: Common base name of monthly files or directories in above directory; without the _YYYYMM | |
CLIMAT_out_anal | Output frequency (in # of model time steps) of initial condition files to be used to initialize other simulations | |
CLIMAT_out_pilot | Output frequency (in # of model time steps) of pilot files to be used to drive other simulations at the lateral boundaries | |
CLIMAT_pp_superjob | Use super jobs instead of submitting post processing directly |
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