GRID Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type |
Grd_typ_S | Type of grid described using 2 characters:
| 'GY' | character(len=2) |
Grd_ni | Number of points along NI | 0 | integer |
Grd_nj | Number of points along NJ | 0 | integer |
Grd_maxcfl | Max Supported Courrant number; Pilot area=Grd_maxcfl +Grd_bsc_base+Grd_bsc_ext1 | 1 | integer |
Grd_iref | I reference point (within Grd_ni) | 1 | integer |
Grd_jref | J reference point (within Grd_nj) | 1 | integer |
Grd_dx | (LU only) Mesh length (resolution) in x-direction (degrees) | 0. | real |
Grd_dy | (LU only) Mesh length (resolution) in y-direction (degrees) | 0. | real |
Grd_latr | Latitude on rotated grid of reference point, Grd_iref,Grd_jref (degrees) | 0. | real |
Grd_lonr | Longitude on rotated grid of reference point, Grd_iref,Grd_jref (degrees) | 180. | real |
Grd_overlap | (GY only) Overlap extent along latitude axis for GY grid (degrees) | 0. | real |
Grd_xlon1 | Geographic latitude of the center of the computational domain (degrees) | 180. | real |
Grd_xlat1 | Geographic longitude of the center of the computational domain (degrees) | 0. | real |
Grd_xlon2 | Geographic longitude of a point on the equator of the computational domain east of Grd_xlon1,Grd_xlat1 (degrees) | 270. | real |
Grd_xlat2 | Geographic latitude of a point on the equator of the computational domain east of Grd_xlon1,Grd_xlat1 (degrees) | 0. | real |
GRDC Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type |
Grdc_dx | x horizontal resolution of target cascade grid (degrees) | -1. | real |
Grdc_dy | y horizontal resolution of target cascade grid (degrees) | -1. | real |
Grdc_Hblen | Number of points for the blending zone (Hblen_x) | 10 | integer |
Grdc_initphy_L | TRUE to dump out permanent bus for cascade mode | .false. | logical |
Grdc_iref | I reference point (within Grdc_ni) | 1 | integer |
Grdc_jref | J reference point (within Grdc_nj) | 1 | integer |
Grdc_latr | Latitude on rotated grid of ref point, Grdc_iref,Grdc_jref (degrees) | 0. | real |
Grdc_lonr | Longitude on rotated grid of ref point, Grdc_iref,Grdc_jref (degrees) | 180. | real |
Grdc_maxcfl | Max Supported Courrant number; Pilot area=Grdc_maxcfl +Grdc_bsc_base+Grdc_bsc_ext1 | 1 | integer |
Grdc_nbits | Number of bits for the packing factor | 32 | integer |
Grdc_nfe | Nesting interval specified with digits ending with one character for the units:
| ' ' | character(len=15) |
Grdc_ni | Number of points along X | 0 | integer |
Grdc_nj | Number of points along Y | 0 | integer |
Grdc_start_S | Time string (units D, H, M or S) from the start of the run to start producing the cascade files | ' ' | character(len=15) |
Grdc_end_S | Time string (units D, H, M or S) from the start of the run to stop producing the cascade files | ' ' | character(len=15) |
Grdc_trnm_S | List of tracers to be written from piloting run | '@#$%' | character(len=4) |
STEP Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type |
Step_runstrt_S | Starting date for model run (yyyymmdd.hhmmss) | 'NIL' | character(len=16) |
Fcst_start_S | Starting date for model run slice (yyyymmdd.hhmmss) | ' ' | character(len=16) |
Fcst_end_S | End date for model run slice (yyyymmdd.hhmmss) | ' ' | character(len=16) |
Fcst_nesdt_S | Read nesting data every Fcst_nesdt_S | ' ' | character(len=16) |
Fcst_gstat_S | Output global stat (glbstat) every Fcst_gstat_S | ' ' | character(len=16) |
Fcst_rstrt_S | Save a restart file + stop every Fcst_rstrt_S | ' ' | character(len=16) |
Fcst_bkup_S | Save a restart file + continue every Fcst_bkup_S | 'NIL' | character(len=16) |
Fcst_spinphy_S | ' ' | character(len=16) | |
Fcst_bkup_additional_S | Save a restart file + continue at that time | 'NIL' | character(len=16) |
Fcst_alarm_S | Stop model if timestep not done within Fcst_alarm_S | ' ' | character(len=16) |
Step_leapyears_L | Account for leap years | .true. | logical |
Step_dt | Length of model timestep (sec) | -1. | real*8 |
ADW_CFGS Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type |
adw_stats_L | switch: .true. : prints stats of traj and interp-var | .false. | logical |
adw_ckbd_L | switch: .true. : check if upstream points from north and south pe's for which an interpolation is requested are inside own advection source grid | .false. | logical |
adw_exdg_L | switch: .true. : print diagnostics on the number of upstream positions exchanged among processors | .false. | logical |
adw_mono_L | switch: .true. : advection of tracers is monotonic | .true. | logical |
adw_catmullrom_L | .false. | logical | |
adw_positive_L | switch: .false.: positivity-preserving advection | .false. | logical |
adw_BC_min_max_L | Switch:.T.:MONO(CLIPPING) after Bermejo-Conde (Mass-conservation for Chemical Tracers) | .true. | logical |
adw_ILMC_sweep_max | Number of neighborhood zones in ILMC (Mass-conservation for Chemical Tracers) | 2 | integer |
adw_ILMC_min_max_L | Switch:.T.:MONO(CLIPPING) after ILMC (Mass-conservation for Chemical Tracers) | .true. | logical |
adw_verbose | Activate conservation diagnostics > 0 (Mass-conservation for Chemical Tracers) | 0 | integer |
adw_pil_sub_s | South boundary in GY for an embedded LAM (Mass-conservation for Chemical Tracers) | -1 | integer |
adw_pil_sub_n | North boundary in GY for an embedded LAM (Mass-conservation for Chemical Tracers) | -1 | integer |
adw_pil_sub_w | West boundary in GY for an embedded LAM (Mass-conservation for Chemical Tracers) | -1 | integer |
adw_pil_sub_e | East boundary in GY for an embedded LAM (Mass-conservation for Chemical Tracers) | -1 | integer |
ADV_CFGS Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type |
adv_rhst_mono_L | .false. | logical | |
adv_catmullrom_L | .false. | logical | |
adv_BC_min_max_L | switch:.T.:MONO(CLIPPING) after Bermejo-Conde (MASS-CONSERVATION for Chemical Tracers) | .true. | logical |
adv_ILMC_sweep_max | Number of neighborhood zones in ILMC (MASS-CONSERVATION for Chemical Tracers) | 2 | integer |
adv_ILMC_min_max_L | switch:.T.:MONO(CLIPPING) after ILMC (MASS-CONSERVATION for Chemical Tracers) | .true. | logical |
adv_SLICE_rebuild | Type of rebuild in SLICE
(MASS-CONSERVATION for Chemical Tracers) | 2 | integer |
adv_verbose | Activate conservation diagnostics if /=0 (MASS-CONSERVATION for Chemical Tracers) | 0 | integer |
adv_pil_sub_s | South boundary in GY for an embedded LAM (MASS-CONSERVATION for Chemical Tracers) | -1 | integer |
adv_pil_sub_n | North boundary in GY for an embedded LAM (MASS-CONSERVATION for Chemical Tracers) | -1 | integer |
adv_pil_sub_w | West boundary in GY for an embedded LAM (MASS-CONSERVATION for Chemical Tracers) | -1 | integer |
adv_pil_sub_e | East boundary in GY for an embedded LAM (MASS-CONSERVATION for Chemical Tracers) | -1 | integer |
GEM_CFGS Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type |
Cstv_bA_8 | value for time off-centering of Semi-lag (hydrostatic part >=.5) | 0.6 | real*8 |
Cstv_tstr_8 | T* (basic state temperature) (K) | 240.0 | real*8 |
Cstv_bA_nh_8 | value for time off-centering parameter for nonhydrostatic part >=.5 | = 0.5 | real*8 |
Cstv_rE_8 | Parameter controlling modified epsilon (Ver_epsi_8) [nonhydrostatic part] | 1.d0 | real*8 |
Eq_sponge | Coefficients that multiply KM to simulate sponge layer near the top of the model. Warning! if this parameter is used, the EPONGE in the physics namelist should be removed. | 0. | real, dimension(1000) |
G_halox | number of points for the halo on X | 4 | integer |
G_haloy | number of points for the halo on Y | G_halox | integer |
Grd_rcoef | pair of coefficients (min,max) to control the flattenning of the vertical coordinate | (/1., 1./) | real, dimension(2) |
Heap_nk | -1 | integer | |
Hyb | array of model levels , 0.0 < HYB < 1.0 | -1 | real, dimension(MAXHLEV) |
Hzd_difva_L | Logical control for latitudinal modulation of the horizontal diffusion coefficient | .false. | logical |
Hzd_prof_S | "NIL" | character(len=64), dimension(HZD_MAXPROF) | |
Hzd_lnr | U and V 2 delta-x removal ratio when using HO_IMP range(0.0-1.0) | -1. | real |
Hzd_lnr_theta | Theta 2 delta-x removal ratio when using HO_IMP range(0.0-1.0). If Hzd_lnr_theta <= 0 If Hzd_lnr_theta <= 0 no diffusion on theta | -1. | real |
Hzd_lnr_tr | Tracers 2 delta-x removal ratio when using HO_IMP range(0.0-1.0) | -1. | real |
Hzd_pwr | Hor. diffusion order on U and V when using HO_IMP del-n available: 2, 4, 6, 8 | -1 | integer |
Hzd_pwr_theta | Hor. diffusion order on theta when using HO_IMP del-n available: 2, 4, 6, 8 | -1. | integer |
Hzd_pwr_tr | Tracers Hor. diffusion order when using HO del-n (n=2,4,6,8) | -1. | integer |
Hzd_div_damp | -1. | integer | |
Hzd_type_S | Hor. diffusion type: HO_IMP, HO_EXP5P, HO_EXP9P or NIL | 'HO_EXP9P' | character(len=12) |
Hzd_xidot_L | .false. | logical | |
Hzd_smago_param | -1. | real | |
Hzd_smago_prandtl | -1. | real | |
Hzd_theta_njpole_gu_only | -1 | integer | |
Iau_cutoff | Filter cutoff period for Iau_weight_S='sin' in hours | 6. | real |
Iau_interval | The number of seconds between increment fields | -1. | real |
Iau_period | The number of seconds over which IAU will be will be run (typically the length of the assimilation window). Default < 0 means that no IAUs are applied. | -1. | real |
Iau_tracers_S | An optional list of tracers to be incremented. | ' ' | character(len=4), dimension(IAU_MAX_TRACERS) |
Iau_weight_S | The type of weighting function to be applied to the analysis increments:
| 'constant' | character(len=64) |
Iau_ninblocx | 1 | integer | |
Iau_ninblocy | 1 | integer | |
Init_balgm_L | true -> initialization is performed | .false. | logical |
Init_dfwin_L | true -> windowing is applied | .true. | logical |
Init_dflength_S | number of points for digital filter (equals the number of timesteps +1) | '5p' | character(len=16) |
Init_dfpl_S | period limit of digital filter units D,H,M,S | '6h' | character(len=16) |
Init_dftr_L |
| .false. | logical |
Inp_npes | 1 | integer | |
Inp_blacklist_S | ' ' | character(len=4), dimension(MAX_BLACKLIST) | |
Inp_vertintype_tracers_S | 'cubic' | character(len=8) | |
Lam_gbpil_T | number of levels for top piloting | -1 | integer |
Lam_blend_H | number of points for horizontal blending | 10 | integer |
Lam_blend_T | number of levels for top blending | 0 | integer |
Lam_0ptend_L | true for Zero physics tendency in blending area | .true. | logical |
Lam_ctebcs_L | true-> to force constant (fixed) boundary conditions | .false. | logical |
Lam_hint_S | Types of horizontal interpolation from 3DF/BCS files onto model grid in GEMDM:
| 'CUB_LAG' | character(len=16) |
Lam_toptt_L | true -> The plane of the top temperature layer is completely overwritten from the 2D pilot data | .false. | logical |
Lam_blendoro_L | true to blend the topography with the pilot | .true. | logical |
Lam_acidtest_L | .false. | logical | |
Lctl_debug_L | .true. to print more information to std output | .false. | logical |
Lctl_rxstat_S | precistion in print glbstats
| 'LCL_4' | character(len=6) |
Out3_cliph_L | .true. to clip humidity variables on output | .false. | logical |
Out3_close_interval_S | interval of output file name change case('P') !pas units_S = 'STEPS' case('S') units_S = 'SECONDS' case('M') units_S = 'MINUTES' case('H') units_S = 'HOURS' case('D') units_S = 'DAYS' | ' ' | character(len=16) |
Out3_etik_S | 'etiket' used in output fields | 'GEMDM' | character(len=12) |
Out3_ip3 | default value for IP3 is 0, -1 for IP3 to contain step number, >0 for given IP3 | 0 | integer |
Out3_linbot | number of layers close to the bottom of the model within which a linear interpolation of GZ | 0 | integer |
Out3_nbitg | Packing factor used for all variables except for those defined in Out_xnbits_s | 16 | integer |
Out3_ndigits | minimum of digits used to represent output units | 3 | integer |
Out3_lieb_levels | list of levels for underground extrapolation and VT is done even if flcubic is .true. | 0. | real, dimension(MAXELEM) |
Out3_lieb_maxite | 100 | integer | |
Out3_lieb_conv | 0.1 | real | |
Out3_postproc_fact | 0 | integer | |
Out3_npes | 1 | integer | |
Out3_npex | -1 | integer | |
Out3_npey | -1 | integer | |
P_lmvd_weigh_high_lat | multiplication factor of P_pbl_spng at latitude P_lmvd_high_lat | 1.0 | real |
P_lmvd_weigh_low_lat | multiplication factor of P_pbl_spng at latitude P_lmvd_low_lat | 1.0 | real |
P_lmvd_high_lat | latitude at which the multiplication factor becomes P_lmvd_weigh_high_lat | 30.0 | real |
P_lmvd_low_lat | latitude at which the multiplication factor becomes P_lmvd_weigh_low_lat | 5.0 | real |
perturb_nbits | Number of bits to perturb on initial conditions | 0 | integer |
perturb_npts | Stride for perturbation on initial conditions | 10 | integer |
Schm_nolog_L | .true. -> NO-LOG | .false. | logical |
Schm_adcub_L |
| .true. | logical |
Schm_autobar_L | .true. => auto barotropic option | .false. | logical |
Schm_cub_Coriolis_L | Use cubic interpolation for Coriolis winds | .false. | logical |
Schm_hydro_L |
| .false. | logical |
Schm_hzdadw_L | true to trigger horizontal diffusion of momentum at each CN iteration | .false. | logical |
Schm_itcn | number of iterations for Crank-Nicholson | 2 | integer |
Schm_itnlh | number of iterations to solve non-linear Helmholtz problem | 2 | integer |
Schm_itraj | number of iterations to compute trajectories | 2 | integer |
Schm_nblendyy |
| -1 | integer |
Schm_psadj | 0: Not activated (DEFAULT) | 0 | integer |
Schm_psadj_lam_L | Adjustment of mass for LAM grid | .false. | logical |
Schm_psadj_print_L | print dry/wet air masses | .false. | logical |
Schm_Tlift |
| 0 | integer |
Schm_Topo_L | true to have topography | .true. | logical |
Schm_settls_L | .true. -> activating SETTLS scheme | .false. | logical |
Schm_capa_var_L | .true. -> variable cappa in thermod. eqn. | .false. | logical |
Schm_advec |
| 1 | integer |
Schm_superwinds_L | Use super winds for advection | .true. | logical |
Schm_bitpattern_L | true. => Modify slightly code behaviour to ensure bitpattern reproduction in restart mode using FST file | .false. | logical |
Schm_source_ps_L | .false. | logical | |
Schm_wload_L | Apply water loading in the calculations | .false. | logical |
Schm_adxlegacy_L | .false. | logical | |
Schm_cub_traj_L | Use cubic interpolation in trajectory comp. | .true. | logical |
Schm_trapeze_L | Use trapezoidal average for advection winds | .true. | logical |
Sol_fgm_eps | Epsilon value for non Yin-Yang iterative solver | 1.d-07 | real*8 |
Sol_yyg_eps | Epsilon value for the Yin-Yang iterative solver | 1.d-04 | real*8 |
Sol_fft_L |
| .true. | logical |
Sol_im | size of Krylov subspace in iterative solver - should not exceed 100 | 15 | integer |
Sol_fgm_maxits | maximum number of iterations allowed for the non Yin-Yang iterative solver | 200 | integer |
Sol_yyg_maxits | maximum number of iterations allowed for the Yin-Yang iterative solver | 40 | integer |
Sol2D_precond_S | 'JACOBI' | character(len=26) | |
Sol3D_precond_S | 'JACOBI' | character(len=26) | |
Sol_type_S | type of solver:'ITERATIF','DIRECT' | 'DIRECT' | character(len=26) |
Sol3D_krylov_S | 'FGMRES' | character(len=26) | |
Spn_nudging_S | Spectral nudging list of variables (eg. 'UVT' or 'UV') | ' ' | character(len=16) |
Spn_start_lev | Nudging profile lower end in hyb level (eg. 1.0 or 0.8) If use 0.8, the profile will be set zero when hyb > 0.8 | 1.0 | real |
Spn_up_const_lev | Nudging profile upper end in hyb level (eg. 0.0 or 0.2) If use 0.2, the profile wll be set 1.0 when hyb < 0.2 | 0.0 | real |
Spn_trans_shape_S | Nudging profile transition shape('COS2' or 'LINEAR') Set the shape between Spn_start_lev and Spn_up_const_lev | 'LINEAR' | character(len=16) |
Spn_relax_hours | Nudging relaxation timescale (eg. 10 hours ) | 10. | real |
Spn_cutoff_scale_large | The filter will be set zero for smaller scales (in km) | 300. | real |
Spn_cutoff_scale_small | The filter will be set 1.0 for larger scales (in km) between Spn_cutoff_scale_small and Spn_cutoff_scale_large, the filter will have a COS2 transition. | 100. | real |
Spn_step | Nudging interval in seconds (eg. 1800, means nudging is performed every every 30 minutes) | 21600 | integer |
Spn_weight_L | Nudging weight in temporal space (.true. or .false.). If the driving fields are available every 6 hours and Spn_step is set to 30 minutes then nudging will have more weight every six hours when the driving fields are available | .false. | logical |
Spn_wt_pwr | The weight factor when Spn_weight_L=.true. (The weigh factor is COS2**(Spn_wt_pwr), Spn_wt_pwr could be set as 0, 2, 4, 6. If Spn_wt_pwr = 2, weight factor is COS2) | 2 | integer |
stat_liste | list of variables to do blocstat. Any gmm variable name, or predefine lists :
| ' ' | character(len=GMM_MAXNAMELENGTH) |
Tr3d_list_S | list of tracers to be read from analyse | ' ' | character(len=512), dimension(MAXTR3D) |
Tr3d_default_s | ' ' | character(len=512) | |
Tr3d_anydate_L | .false. | logical | |
Vspng_coeftop | Top coefficient for del-2 diffusion (m2/s) | -1. | real |
Vspng_njpole | (non-LAM) Number of points along j on which to apply modulation to 0. of the diff. coefficient | 3 | integer |
Vspng_nk | number of levels from the top of the model (thickness of the vertical sponge layer) | 0 | integer |
Vspng_zmean_L | .true. will subtract the zonal mean of U component before diffusion and then added back | .false. | logical |
Vtopo_ndt | Number of timesteps for topography to evolve | 0 | integer |
Vtopo_start | Timestep to start topography which varies in time | -99999 | integer |
Zblen_L | .true. to apply vertical sponge (mtn_cfg only?) | .false. | logical |
Zblen_spngthick | thickness (in meters) of vertical sponge (mtn_cfg only?) | 0. | real |
Zblen_spngtt_L | f .T. and Zblen_L=.T., apply sponge also to temperature field (mtn_cfg only?) | .true. | logical |
Zdot_divHLM_L | true for divergence high level modulation in initial computation of Zdot | .false. | logical |
Name | Description | Default Value | Type |
Ens_conf | Switch to activate generation of Markov chains, use of SKEB and use of PTP | .false. | logical |
Ens_skeb_conf | Switch to activate SKEB (3D MARKOV CHAINES) | .false. | logical |
Ens_stat | switch to print global stat related to Markov chains, SKEB and PTP (3D MARKOV CHAINES) | .false. | logical |
Ens_skeb_div | switch to do the calculation of the divergence due to SKEB forcing (3D MARKOV CHAINES) | .false. | logical |
Ens_skeb_dif | switch to do SKEB calculation based on diffusion (3D MARKOV CHAINES) | .false. | logical |
Ens_skeb_gwd | switch to do SKEB calculation based on gravity wave drag (3D MARKOV CHAINES) | .false. | logical |
Ens_mc_seed | Seed of the random number generator usually we put DAY and member number (3D MARKOV CHAINES) | -1 | integer |
Ens_skeb_nlon | number of longitudes of the gaussian grid used for the 3D Markov chains (in the SKEB calculation) (3D MARKOV CHAINES) | 16 | integer |
Ens_skeb_nlat | number of latitudes of the gaussian grid used for the 3D Markov chains (used in the SKEB calculation) (3D MARKOV CHAINES) | 8 | integer |
Ens_skeb_ncha | (3D MARKOV CHAINES) | 1 | integer |
Ens_skeb_trnl | low wave number truncation limit used in 3D Markov chain (used by SKEB) (3D MARKOV CHAINES) | 2 | integer |
Ens_skeb_trnh | high wave number truncation limit used in 3D Markov chain (used by SKEB) (3D MARKOV CHAINES) | 8 | integer |
Ens_skeb_max | maximum value of the 3D Markov chain (used by SKEB) (3D MARKOV CHAINES) | 0. | real |
Ens_skeb_min | minimum value of the 3D Markov chain (used by SKEB) (3D MARKOV CHAINES) | 0. | real |
Ens_skeb_std | std. dev. value for the 3D Markov chain (used by SKEB) (3D MARKOV CHAINES) | 0. | real |
Ens_skeb_tau | decorrelation time (seconds) for 3D Markov chain (used by SKEB) (3D MARKOV CHAINES) | 0. | real |
Ens_skeb_str | value of stretch for 3D Markov chain (used by SKEB) (3D MARKOV CHAINES) | 0. | real |
Ens_skeb_alph | coefficient Alpha for momentum in SKEB (3D MARKOV CHAINES) | 0. | real |
Ens_skeb_alpt | coefficient Alpha for temperature in SKEB (3D MARKOV CHAINES) | 0. | real |
Ens_skeb_bfc | coefficient for Gaussian filter used in SKEB (3D MARKOV CHAINES) | 1.0e-01 | real |
Ens_skeb_lam | wavelength for Gaussian filter in SKEB (3D MARKOV CHAINES) | 2.0e+05 | real |
Ens_ptp_nlon | no. of longitudes for 2D Markov chains (2D MARKOV CHAINES) | 16 | integer |
Ens_ptp_nlat | no. of latitudes for 2D Markov chains (2D MARKOV CHAINES) | 8 | integer |
Ens_ptp_ncha | number of 2d Markov chains (2D MARKOV CHAINES) | 1 | integer |
Ens_ptp_trnl | low wave number horizontal truncation limit for 2D Markov chains (2D MARKOV CHAINES) | 1 | integer |
Ens_ptp_trnh | high wave number horizontal truncation limit for 2D Markov chains (2D MARKOV CHAINES) | 8 | integer |
Ens_ptp_l | (ignored) Ens_ptp_l = Ens_ptp_trnh-Ens_ptp_trnl+1 (2D MARKOV CHAINES) | 0 | integer |
Ens_ptp_m | (ignored) Ens_ptp_m = Ens_ptp_trnh+1 (2D MARKOV CHAINES) | 0 | integer |
Ens_ptp_lmax | (ignored) Ens_ptp_lmax = maxval(Ens_ptp_l) (2D MARKOV CHAINES) | 0 | integer |
Ens_ptp_mmax | (ignored) Ens_ptp_mmax = maxval(Ens_ptp_m) (2D MARKOV CHAINES) | 0 | integer |
Ens_ptp_min | minimum value of the 2D Markov chain (2D MARKOV CHAINES) | 0.0 | real |
Ens_ptp_max | maximum value of the 2D Markov chains (2D MARKOV CHAINES) | 0.0 | real |
Ens_ptp_std | standard deviation value for 2D Markov chains (2D MARKOV CHAINES) | 0.0 | real |
Ens_ptp_tau | decorrelation time (seconds) for 2D Markov chains (2D MARKOV CHAINES) | 0.0 | real |
Ens_ptp_str | value of stretch for Markov chains (2D MARKOV CHAINES) | 0.0 | real |
Ens_ptp_conf | switch to activate PTP (perturb tendencies of physics) (2D MARKOV CHAINES) | .false. | logical |
Ens_ptp_env_u | upper value of transition zone of vertical envelope in sigma for PTP (above that full perturbation) (2D MARKOV CHAINES) | 1.0 | real |
Ens_ptp_env_b | bottom value of transition zone of vertical envelope in sigma for PTP (below that no perturbation) (2D MARKOV CHAINES) | 1.0 | real |
Ens_ptp_cape | CAPE value in Kain-Fritsch scheme to stop perturbing the physical tendencies (2D MARKOV CHAINES) | 0.0 | real |
Ens_ptp_tlc | TLC value (convective precipitation) in Kuo (OLDKUO) scheme to stop perturbing the physical tendencies (2D MARKOV CHAINES) | 0.0 | real |
Ens_ptp_crit_w | vertical velocity value (m/s) above which we stop perturbing the physical tendencies (2D MARKOV CHAINES) | 100.0 | real |
Ens_ptp_fac_reduc | factor of reduction of the perturbation the physical tendencies (in PTP) when convection occurs (2D MARKOV CHAINES) | 0.0 | real |
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