There is one row per field to be read with the following parameters:
in : name of field to be read
freq : frequency at which field will be read. 0: initial time step; 1: whenever it is found; 2: ???
search : shortcut of file to look for field. A list of files can be given. File names are specified in 'configexp.cfg'.
'ANAL' → field will get read from analysis file specified in 'GEM_anal'
'GEOP' → field will get read from geophy file specified in 'GEM_geophy'
'CLIM' → field will get read from climatology file specified in 'GEM_climato'
'INREP' → field will get read from 'GEM_anclima' (SST & sea ice) or 'CLIMAT_nest_rept'/'CLIMAT_nest_exp' (lateral BCs). Files from both parameters get copied into a directory called 'INREP' by the model scripts.
Interp : horizontal interpolation type. Options: linear, near, cubic
levels : which levels should get read
timeint: linear, step, any, near