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List variables of RPN file with description

Whenever you have an RPN file and want to know which variables are in the file you can

Explanation of all physics variables in model listing

Close to the beginning of each model listing you find a list of all physics fields which are available for output. You will find there the name of each variable as used in the code and the name as used in the RPN output files, as well as a brief description and its position and length in the internal model data bus. Note that this list varies depending on the physics schemes used! Just after the physics variable list is a list of the dynamic fields available for output, but unfortunately without description.

Most common fields

Below you find some of the main output fields.

Most common dynamic fields

TTAir temperature
2m temperature at level '1hy' resp. '1sg'
UUu-component of the wind
10m u-component of the wind at level '1hy' resp. '1sg'
VVv-component of the wind
10m v-component of the wind at level '1hy' resp. '1sg'
WWVertical momentumPa/s
UVWind modulusknots
GZGeopotential heightdam
HUSpecific humidity
2m specific humidity at level '1hy' resp. '1sg'
HRRelative humidity
2m relative humidity at level '1hy' resp. '1sg'
ESDew point depressionC
P0Surface pressurehPa
PNSea level pressurehPa
MEMountain heightm
LAGeographical latitudedeg
LOGeographical longitudedeg

Most common physics fields

USGWGWD induced surface u-stressN/m2
VSGWGWD induced surface v-stressN/m2
ARAvg. of EI (outgoing IR energy flux at model lid)W/m2
ABAvg. of IV (incoming solar flux at model lid)W/m2
AUAvg. of EV (outgoing visible energy flux at model lid)W/m2
ADAvg. of FI (IR energy flux towards ground)W/m2
ASAvg. of FS (vis. flux absorbed by ground)W/m2
NFAvg. of NT (2-dim cloud cover)0-1
A1Avg. of convective liquid precipitationm/s
A2Avg. of stratiform liquid precipitationm/s
A3Avg. of convective solid precipitationm/s
A4Avg. of stratiform solid precipitationm/s
A8Avg. of liquid shallow convective precipitationm/s
A9Avg. of solid shallow convective precipitationm/s
AEAvg. of stratiform precipitationm/s
FRAvg. of freezing precipitationm/s
PCAvg. of convective precipitationm/s
PEAvg. of frozen precipitationm/s
PRAvg. of total precipitation (= RN+SN = PC+AE)m/s
RNAvg. of liquid precipitationm/s
SNAvg. of snow precipitationm/s
RCImplicit precipitation ratem/s
RTTotal precipitation ratem/s
AHAvg. of FC (upward surface sensible heat flux)W/m2
AGAvg. heat flux in soilW/m2
AVAvg. of FV (surface latent heat flux)W/m2
AIAvg. of SI (Net IR energy flux at the surface)W/m2
AWAvg. of FQ (surf. momentum flux)N/m2
FQSurface momentum fluxN/m2
S7Avg. of u-stressN/m2
S8Avg. of v-stressN/m2
N0Avg. of soil surface runoffmm/s
O1Avg. of soil base drainagemm/s
TRAFAvg. of surface runoff for all surface types + aggmm/s
TDRAAvg. of base drainage for all surface types + aggmm/s
N2Avg. of liquid precip. (ISBA)m/s
N3Avg. of solid precip.m/s
N4Avg. of FB (downward solar flux at surface)W/m2
O5Avg. of bare ground latent heat fluxW/m2
O6Avg. of latent heat flux from leavesW/m2
O7Avg. of sublimation from snowm/s of water
O8Avg. of vegetation transpirationkg/m2
O9Avg. of evaporation from vegetationkg/m2
I0Surface and soil temperaturesK
I1Soil volumetric water contentsm3/m3
I7Sea ice temperatureK
I8Sea ice thicknessm
I9Glacier temperatureK
GLIce fraction0-1
GYSea ice fraction (unmodified)0-1
SDSnow depthcm
ALVisible surface albedo0-1
TMSea temperatureK
J8Area-averaged surface temperatureK
FCUpward surface sensible heat fluxW/m2
FVUpward surface latent heat fluxW/m2
FSSolar flux absorbed at surfaceW/m2
FBDownward solar fluxW/m2
IVIncoming solar radiation at model topW/m2
SINet infrared flux at the surface (+ downward)W/m2
FISurface incoming infrared fluxW/m2
EIOutgoing infrared energy exiting the atmosphereW/m2
TGRadiative surface temperatureK
MGLand-sea mask0-1
K2Avg. of kshal counter0-1
DNSnow densitykg/m3
I2Soil volumetric ice contentsm3/m3
I3Water retained on the vegetationkg/m2
I4Water in the snow packkg/m2
I6Albedo of snow0-1
HRMXScreen max. relative humidity0-1
HRMNScreen min. relative humidity0-1
QSAVScreen specific humidity averagekg/kg
IMAVIntegrated soil moisture averagekg/m2
P0AVSurface pressure averagePa
UVAVScreen wind modulus averagem/s
UVMXScreen max wind modulusm/s
HHeight of boundary layerm
IEIntegrated cloud water/icemm
IHIntegrated water vapormm
IIIntegrated ice watermm
IWVMIntegrated water vapor avge over last moyhr hourskg/m2
ICRMTotal LWP for rad avge over last moyhr hourskg/m2
IIRMTotal IWP for rad avge over last moyhr hourskg/m2
ACLBAvg. of net clear sky lw flux at the surfaceW/m2
ACLTAvg. of net clear sky lw flux at the topW/m2
ACSBAvg. of net clear sky solar flux at the surfaceW/m2
ACSTAvg. of net clear sky solar flux at the topW/m2
T5Min. temperature over the last moyhr hoursK
T9Max. temperature over the last moyhr hoursK
KEHMTotal kinetic energy (per unit area) calculated on hybryd levelsJ/m2
TTHMTemperature (mass-weighted vertically average) calculated on hybryd levelsK
AMHMTotal relative angular momentum (per unit area) calculated on hybryd levelskg/s
UGGWD u tend. avge over the last moyhr hoursm/s2
V6GWD v tend. avge over the last moyhr hoursm/s2
X2u dif. tend. avge over the last moyhr hoursm/s2
X3v dif. tend. avge over the last moyhr hoursm/s2
UQVAVertically averaged u-wind * specific humiditym/s kg/kg
VQVAVertically averaged v-wind * specific humiditym/s kg/kg
UTVAVertically averaged u-wind * temperatureK m/s
VTVAVertically averaged v-wind * temperatureK m/s
CATotal clouds avge over the last moyhr hours%
CLDRTotal clouds for rad average over last moyhr hours%
IWCRCloud ice water for rad average over last moyhr hourskg/kg
LWCRCloud liquid water for rad average over last moyhr hourskg/kg
T6T2 (vis. heating rate interpo.from T20) avge over the last moyhr hoursK/s
T7TI (IR heating rate) avge over the last moyhr hrsK/s
W5QC (liquid and solid water in the atmosphere) strat. tend. avge over the last moyhr hours(kg/kg)/s
W6t conv. tend. avge over the last moyhr hoursK/s
W7t strat. tend. avge over the last moyhr hoursK/s
W8HU conv. tend. avge over the last moyhr hours(kg/kg)/s
W9HU strat. tend. avge over the last moyhr hours(kg/kg)/s
X1QC (liquid and solid water in the atmosphere) conv. tend. avge over the last moyhr hours(kg/kg)/s
X4HU dif. tend. avge over the last moyhr hours(kg/kg)/s
X5t dif. tend. avge over the last moyhr hoursK/s
X6Avg. T tendency shallow conv. over the last moyhr hoursK/s
X7Avg. HU tendency shallow conv. over the last moyhr hours(kg/kg)/s
Y1Cloud liquid (and ice) water content avgekg/kg
Y2Cloud ice water content avgekg/kg

Radiation and Cloud fields

Click on the following link for a pdf with Radiation and Cloud related fields.

Most common physics tendencies

Name of variables and their tendencies for  temperature, humidite and winds. Physics version 5.0.4
Last update: 26 January 2010.


Mean Instantaneous
T6: (t2m)T2:(T2) VIS heating rate 
T7: (tim) TI: (Ti) IR heating rate
X5: (tdifvm)TF: (tdifv) T tendency due to vertical diffusion
X6: (tshalm)ST: (tshal) T tendency due to shallow convection
W6: (zctem) CTE: (cte) conv. T tendency bus v
1K :(tfcpm) T4: (tfcp) T tendency due to deep convection *** note: f(tfcp) ....>zcte ...>v(cte) same as f(tfcp)
W7: (zstem)STE (ste) cond. T tendency bus v ***note: zste not in a bus .....> v(ste)
TADM: (tadvm)TADV (tadv) T advection tendency bus v 
TPHM (tphytdm) TPHY: (tphytd) total T tendency due to physics bus v


X4: (qdifvm) Q8: (qdifv) HU tendency due to vert. diffusion bus v 
X7: (hushalm)SQ:(hushal) HU tendency due to shallow conv bus v
W8: ( zcqem)CQE:(cqe) conv. HU tendency bus v
2K: (hufcpm) H3: (hufcp) HU tendency due to deep convection ***note: f(hufcp)...>zcqe ...>v(cqe)
W9:(zsqem)SQE (sqe) cond. HU tendency; bus v ***note zsqe not in a bus ....>v(sqe) 
noneQA (hucond) HU tendency due to conv./cond (hushal+hucond) bus v 
QXM (qmetoxm)QX (qmetox) Hum. tend. due to methane oxidation bus v
QADM:(qadvm)QADV (qadv) HU advection tendency bus v
QPHM(huphytdm) QPHY: (huphytd) total HU tendency due to physics bus v


UG: (ugwdm)GU: (ugwd) U tendency due to gwd bus v 
NOUM : ( ugnom)M1: (ugno) U tend. due to non-oro. gwd bus v
noneU6: (ufcp) U tend. due to deep convection
X2: (udifvm)TU: (udifv) U tendency due to vert. diffusion bus v
UADM:(uadvm)UADV (uadv) U advection tendency bus v
UPHM(uphytdm)UPHY: (uphytd) total U tendency due to physics bus v


V6: (vgwdm)GV: (vgwd) V tendency due to gwd bus v 
NOVM: (vgnom)M2: (vgno) V tend. due to non-oro. gwd bus v
noneV7: (vfcp) V tend. due to deep convection
X3: (vdifvm)TV: (vdifv) V tendency due to vert. diffusion bus v
VADM:(vadvm)VADV (vadv) V advection tendency bus v
VPHM(vphytdm)VPHY: (vphytd) total V tendency due to physics bus v
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