General description
The "SSM environment" is build on SSM, Simple Software Management. It uses the file ~/.profile to set certain environment variables.
This is the environment we are using on our UQAM servers.
The same SSM environment is also available on some clusters of The Alliance, but you have to do a little "setup" once.
Each time you log in or start a process the file ~/.profile will get "sourced". Meaning it will get executed in a way so all variables set in it will be known to the calling process afterwards.
If you are opening an interactive session (login in a window) the following files will also get "sourced":
followed by:
If a script gets executed in batch, the following file will also get "sourced":
When issuing the command 'ssh' , the following file will also get "sourced":
Personal exports & aliases
You can put your own personal aliases, exports, etc. for interactive use in the file:
which you will have to create if it does not exist already.
Domains and packages
Using the SSM environment means one can subscribe to certain domaines and packages using to aquire access to certain directories, scripts, binaries, etc.. This includes for example all tools to treat RPN files and the CRCM5 model itself.
In general '. ...' will add directories to your $PATH, $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc. and set some environment variables.
To get a list of all the available domaines and packages type:
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