Name | Description | Default Value | Type |
acchr | Time length (hours) for special time accumulated physics variables | 0 | integer |
advectke | Turbulent kinetic energy advect. is active if .true. | .false. | logical |
chauf | Surface heat flux from oceans is active if .true. | .true. | logical |
diag_twind | Obtain estimate of surface wind gusts if .true. | .false. | logical |
diffuw | Diffuse vertical motion if .true. | .false. | logical |
drag | Surface friction is active if .true. Uses Schuman-Newell lapse rate if .false. | .true. | logical |
etrmin2 | Minimal value for TKE in stable case (for 'CLEF') | 1.E-4 | real |
evap | Surface evaporation is active if .true. | .true. | logical |
fluvert | Boundary layer processes
| 'NIL' | character(len=16) |
fnn_mask | (MOISTKE only) Apply factor fnn_reduc
| .false. | logical |
fnn_reduc | (MOISTKE only) Reduction factor (between 0. and 1.) to be applied to the parameter FNN (turbulent flux enhancement due to boundary layer clouds) | 1. | real |
fnnmod | (CLEF+CONRES only) Non-dimensional parameter (must be >= 1.) that controls the value of the flux enhancement factor in CONRES | 2. | real |
fomic | Use Fomichev radiation code if .true. | .false. | logical |
gwdrag | Gravity wave drag formulation
| 'NIL' | character(len=16) |
hines_flux_filter | Number of times the 3-point filter will be applied to smooth the GW flux profiles | 0 | integer |
iheatcal | Consider heating from non-orog. drag if = 1 | 0 | integer |
indiag_list_s | Comma-separated list of diagnostic level inputs to read. Default: indiag_list_s(1) = 'DEFAULT LIST', expanded to: UU, VV, TT, HU + all dynamic Tracers | ' ' | character(len=32) |
inilwc | Initialize water content and cloud fraction seen by radiation for time 0 if .true. | .false. | logical |
intozot | Update ozone climatology during the run | .false. | logical |
kntrad_S | Time between full radiation calculation (units D,H,M,S,P) | character(len=16) | |
kticefrac | Compute ice fraction in KTRSNT_MG if .true. | .true. | logical |
lightning_diag | Compute lightning diagnostics if .true. (currently for Milbrandt-Yau microphysics only) | .false. | logical |
lmetox | Add methane oxydation as source of humidity in the stratosphere if .true. | .false. | logical |
longmel | Mixing length calc. scheme
| 'BLAC62' | character(len=16) |
moyhr | Time length (hours) for special time averaged physics variables | 0 | integer |
mp_p3_ncat | Number of frozen hydrometeor categories to use in the P3 microphysics scheme (currently limited to <5) | 1 | integer |
my_ccntype | Switch for airmass type (1 = maritime, 2 = continental) | 1 | integer |
my_dblmom_c | Double-moment for cloud (for 'mp_my' only) | .true. | logical |
my_dblmom_g | Double-moment for graupel (for 'mp_my' only) | .true. | logical |
my_dblmom_h | Double-moment for hail (for 'mp_my' only) | .true. | logical |
my_dblmom_i | Double-moment for ice (for 'mp_my' only) | .true. | logical |
my_dblmom_r | Double-moment for rain (for 'mp_my' only) | .true. | logical |
my_dblmom_s | Double-moment for snow (for 'mp_my' only) | .true. | logical |
my_diagon | Compute MY Diagnostic fields if .true. | .true. | logical |
my_iceon | Ice-phase switched on if .true. | .true. | logical |
my_initn | Initialize the number concentration for each category | .true. | logical |
my_rainon | Autoconversion (cloud to rain) switched on | .true. | logical |
my_sedion | Sedimentation switched on | .true. | logical |
my_snowon | Snow initiation switched on | .true. | logical |
my_tc3comp | Parameters for three-component freezing term | (/0.,-10.,0./) | real |
my_warmon | Warm-phase switched on | .true. | logical |
ninblocx | Physic input blocking along X | 1 | integer |
ninblocy | Physic input blocking along Y | 1 | integer |
non_oro | Hines non-orographic GWD scheme is active if .true. | .false. | logical |
non_oro_pbot | Pressure (in Pa) that defines the bottom emission level for gravity waves | 61000.0 | real |
nsloflux | Number of timesteps for which surface fluxes "FC" and "FV" are gradually set from 0 to their full value in a "slow start fashion" at the beginning of a time integration | 0 | integer |
p_runlgt | Vectoc lenght physics memory space folding for openMP | -1 | integer |
pbl_coupled | Run with a coupled high vertical resolution boundary layer (PBL). | .false. | logical |
pbl_diss | Run with a modified closure for the dissipation length scale
| 'NIL' | character(len=16) |
pbl_ktop | Limit the vertical extent of the PBL scheme to below the model level listed here | 1 | integer |
pbl_ribkg | Use the mixing length to average the Richardson number profile of (potentially) many layers to derive a "background" Ri estimate | .false. | logical |
pbl_ricrit | Richardson num. critical values for hysteresis | 1. | real |
pbl_shal |
| 'NIL' | character(len=16) |
pbl_tsplit | Time splitting (number of steps per model step) for the coupled PBL scheme | 1 | integer |
pbl_zntau | Relaxation timescale (s) for mixing length smoothing | 7200. | real |
pbl_zsplit | Number of layers to split model layers into for the high vertical resolution coupled PBL | 1 | integer |
pcptype | Scheme to determine precipitation type
| 'NIL' | character(len=16) |
phystat_dble_l | Use double presision for physic statistics output | .false. | logical |
phystat_2d_l | Physic statistics output for 3d varables:
| .false. | logical |
phystat_freq_S | Physic statistics output Frequency | '0h' | character(len=16) |
phystat_list_s | Physic statistics output: bus variable list that should be included in physics "block" stats. Possible values:
| ' ' | character(len=32) |
qcfc11 | CFC11 bckgrnd atmospheric concentration (PPMV) | 0.280 | real |
qcfc12 | CFC12 bckgrnd atmospheric concentration (PPMV) | 0.530 | real |
qch4 | CH4 bckgrnd atmospheric concentration (PPMV) | 1.783 | real |
qco2 | CO2 bckgrnd atmospheric concentration (PPMV) | 380. | real |
qn2o | N2O bckgrnd atmospheric concentration (PPMV) | 0.3186 | real |
radfiles | format of radiation files to be read
| 'STD' | character(len=16) |
radfix | Radiation fixes near the model top(for newrad only) if .true. | .true. | logical |
radfltr | Vertical smoothing on radiative fluxes(for newrad only) if .true. | .true. | logical |
radia | Radiation scheme
| 'NIL' | character(len=16) |
radnivl | List of levels on which IR and VIS radiation calculations are performed (to save on CPU time) (for newrad only) | 0 | integer |
radslope | Key for activation of the radiation along slopes | .false. | logical |
refract | Additional output for low level refraction | .false. | logical |
rmscon | Launching level value of GW RMS wind (m/s) from non-orographic origin | 1.0 | real |
satuco | water/ice phase for saturation calc. if .true.; water phase only for saturation calc. if .false. | .true. | logical |
sgo_cdmin | Sets the minimum value of the drag coefficient in the orographic blocking scheme. | 1.0 | real |
sgo_nldirfac | Turns on/off the non-linear amplification factor (depending on wind direction) of the drag coefficient in the orographic blocking scheme | .true. | logical |
sgo_stabfac | Turns on/off the amplification factor (due to stability) of the drag coefficient in the orographic blocking scheme | .true. | logical |
simisccp | Run ISCCP cloud simulator (cccmarad only) if .true. | .false. | logical |
stcond | Condensation scheme name
| 'NIL' | character(len=16) |
stratos | Special treatment of stratosphere; if .true. ignore convection/condensation tendencies where pressure is lower than topc or specific humidity is lower than minq as specified in nocld.cdk | .false. | logical |
taufac | Factor used in the gwd formulation = 1/(LENGTH SCALE) | 8.E-6 | real |
test_phy | Run the physics in test harness mode | .false. | logical |
tmp_boujo_height_corr | Use correct vertical levels (thermo) and offset (none) for Bougeault-Lacarrere mixing length calculation | .false. | logical |
ts_flxir | (newrad only) Use TT(12000) instead of skin temp in downward IR flux calculation if .true. | .false. | logical |
Name | Description | Default Value | Type |
bkf_kch | Number of species for convective transport (never tested) | 0 | integer |
bkf_kens | Number of additional ensemble members (max 3) for deep bkf convection | 0 | integer |
bkf_kice | Take ice phase into account in deep bkf (yes=1) | 1 | integer |
bkf_ktdia | Limit vertical computation by ktdia-1 levels | 1 | integer |
bkf_lch1conv | Activate convective transport of species for deep and shallow bkf | .false. | logical |
bkf_ldown | Allow downdrafts in deep bkf | .true. | logical |
bkf_lrefresh | Force re-calculation of deep bkf at every timestep | .false. | logical |
bkf_lsettadj | Set convective timescales for deep and shallow | .true. | logical |
bkf_lshalm | Activate shallow convective momentum transport | .false. | logical |
bkf_xtadjd | Deep bkf timescale (s) if bkf_lsettadj= .false. | 3600. | real |
bkf_xtadjs | Shallow bkf timescale (s)if bkf_lsettadj= .false. | 3600. | real |
deep | Deep convection scheme name
| 'nil' | character(len=16) |
kfcdepth | Minimum depth of conv. updraft for KFC trigger (m) | 4000. | real |
kfcdet | Total forced detrainment in KFC scheme | 0. | real |
kfcdlev | Init. level of forced detrainment in KFC scheme | 0.5 | real |
kfcmom | generate wind tendencies in KFC or deep BKF if .true. | .false. | logical |
kfcprod | Compute production terms for Kain-Fritsch scheme | .false. | logical |
kfcrad | Initial convective updraft radius in KFC scheme(m) | 1500. | real |
kfctaucape | Varies convective timescale as a function of CAPE for Kain-Fritsch scheme
| (/-1., -1., -1., -1./) | real |
kfctimea | Time interval for refresh of tendencies in Kain-Fritsch scheme (s) | 3600. | real |
kfctimec | Convective time scale in Kain-Fritsch(s) | 3600. | real |
kfctrig4 | Trigger parameter of Kain-Fritsch convection scheme (WKLCL). Trigger parameter will increase from kfctrig4(3) to kfctrig4(4) [m/s] between timestep kfctrig4(1) and timestep kfctrig4(2) | (/0., 0., 0.05, 0.05/) | real |
kfctriga | Nominal resolution for which KFCTRIG4 is set. This is inactive if value <= 0. | -1.0 | real |
kfctrigl | Over land and lakes we keep the value set by the "ramp" above over sea water:
| 0.05 | real |
kfctriglat | Logical key for variation of the trigger function depending on latitude and land-sea-lake mask | .false. | logical |
shal | Switch for shallow convection
| 'nil' | character(len=16) |
triglat | Over land and lakes we keep the value set by the "ramp" above over sea water:
| 0.0 | real |
Name | Description | Default Value | Type |
adj_i0_snow | Adjust surface temperature over snow after reading (coherency check) | .true. | logical |
beta | Parameter for stability function | 0. | real |
diusst | Diurnal SST scheme
| 'NIL' | character(len=16) |
diusst_coolskin | Diurnal SST scheme active coolskin if .true. | .true. | logical |
diusst_warmlayer | Diurnal SST scheme active warmlayer if .true. | .true. | logical |
drylaps | Uses dry adiabat if .true. | .true. | logical |
icelac | Set water temperature of ice-covered lakes to 0C for points north of ice line if .true. needs an initialization file otherwise the model stops | .false. | logical |
icemelt | Sea ice melting | .false. | logical |
impflx | Implicit surface fluxes if .true.; explicit fluxes if .false. | .false. | logical |
isba_i1_minval | If .true. make sure there is soil water where MG > critmask (0.1%); WSoil = 0.3 if < critwater (0.001) | .true. | logical |
isba_melting_fix | If .true. apply temporary fix to ISBA
| .false. | logical |
leadfrac | Minimum fraction of leads in sea ice. Multiply ice fraction by (1.-leadfrac) | 0.03 | real |
limsnodp | Limit snow depth to 10 cm for calculation of heat conductivity of snow over sea-ice and glacier if .true. | .false. | logical |
owflux | (coupling) fluxes over ocean are taken from ocean model if .true. | .false. | logical |
salty_qsat | Takes into account effect of ocean salinity on saturation specific humidity at ocean surface (boundary condition for LH flux calculation) | .false. | logical |
schmsol | Land surface processes
| 'ISBA' | character(len=16) |
schmurb | Urban surface processes
| 'NIL' | character(len=16) |
snoalb_anl | Use snow albedo "I6" directly if .true.; Use snow age "XA" to calculate snow albedo if .false. | .true. | logical |
tdiaglim | Limit temperature inversions to 8K/40m in surface layer if .true. | .false. | logical |
veg_rs_mult | Factor multiplying stomatal resistance in ISBA | 1. | real |
z0dir | Use directional roughness length if .true. | .false. | logical |
z0hcon | Constant value of thermal roughness length (m) applied over water within latitudinal band defined by z0tlat | 4.0e-5 | real |
z0min | Minimum value of roughness length (m) over water | 1.5e-5 | real |
z0mtype | Momentum roughness length formulation over water
| 'CHARNOCK' | character(len=16) |
z0tlat | Latitude (2 elements, in degrees) used to specify Z0T over water
| 0. | real |
z0trdps300 | Thermal roughness length formulation over water described by eq. 3 of | .false. | logical |
zta | Height (m) of T and Q input for sfc fluxes calc. | -1. | real |
zua | Height (m) of wind input for sfc fluxes calc. | -1. | real |
SERIES Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type |
P_serg_srprf_s | List of time series for profile variables | 'UNDEFINED' | character(len=128), dimension(1000) |
P_serg_srsrf_s | List of time series for surface variables | 'UNDEFINED' | character(len=128), dimension(1000) |
P_serg_srwri | Number of timesteps between time-series writeou | 1 | integer |
P_serg_serstp | Times series package stops at this timestep | 99999 | integer |
xst_stn_latlon | Stations chosen in lat,lon for time-seriesFormat: "STN_NAME",lat,lon, ^ ^ ^ string 2 reals | 'UNDEFINED', -9999., -9999. | type station_latlon character(STN_NAME_LENGTH) :: name real :: lat,lon end type station_latlon |
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