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When running UQAM style there are several more parameters to be set than in ECCC's forecast mode. These extra parameters all start with 'CLIMAT_...'.

General GEM parameters:

  BACKEND_machName of machine to run on → Keep set to ${TRUE_HOST}

BACKEND_time_modRequested job wallclock time in seconds

BACKEND_cmRequested memory per MPI process -> gets adjusted automatically by the model scripts

GEM_ptopoMPI(x*y) * OMP PEs topology (Syntax: MPIx x MPIy x OpenMP).
Example: GEM_ptopo=8x4x2
    uses 8 MPI tiles in x-direction, 4 MPI tiles in y-direction with OpenMP=2 for a total of 64 cores.
You can set the OpenMP factor (last factor ) to 1 or 2. If there are enough resources you can also set it to 4.

Keep in mind that the minimum number of grid points for a GEM tile is ~25:
   pilot region (Grd_maxcfl+7)  + blending (Lam_blend_H (default 10))  + 5 points
If you change the tiling and your simulation suddenly crashes right at the beginning of the model executable it might be that the tiling you chose does not work for this grid. Choose another tiling and try again.
In general you want to keep your tiles as square as possible to keep the amount of data exchange between tiles to a minimum.

GEM_expCurrent experiment name; Keep the '_YYYYMM' at the end. It will get replaced by the scripts with the current year/month!

GEM_analFull path of initial condition file. This file needs to match the start date of your simulation!

GEM_anclimaFull path of SST & sea ice fraction files minus the _YYYYMM at the end!

GEM_climatoClimatological file or directory

GEM_ozoneFull path of the ozone climatology file

GEM_geophyGeophysical fields file; specify directory of file 'Gem_geophy.fst'
This file should match your grid!

GEM_inrepWorking directory for driving data
On CC machines this should be under ~/scratch/...

GEM_ovbinPath to the model executables (up until but excluding 'build-${ORDENV_PLAT}')

Extra parameters when running "UQAM style":

CLIMAT_startdateStart date of simulation. Format: 'YYYY MM DD hh'
This date must match the validity date of all the fields in the analysis file.
Never change the startdate during a running simulation!!!

CLIMAT_enddateEnd date of simulation. Format: 'YYYY MM DD hh'
You can change this while the simulation is running.

CLIMAT_arch_machArchive machine (machine you are running on) so you can always set:

CLIMAT_archdirArchive directory on ${CLIMAT_arch_mach}

CLIMAT_intervalNumber of months to run per one job

CLIMAT_outrepName of temporary output directory
On CC machines this should be under ~/scratch/...  (At least while this filesystem behaves well!)

CLIMAT_deltatModel time step in seconds. Must match 'Step_dt' in file gem_setting.nml!

CLIMAT_etanamePre-defined hybrib model level set. See 'Climat_eta2preshyb' for possible settings.

CLIMAT_diagnos1: Calculate monthly means and variances

CLIMAT_update_ghg1: Update greenhouse gases yearly

CLIMAT_ghg_listGreenhouse gas table

CLIMAT_nest_reptLAM only: Path of lateral boundary conditions

CLIMAT_nest_expLAM only: Common base name of monthly files or directories in above directory; without the _YYYYMM

CLIMAT_out_analOutput frequency (in # of model time steps) of initial condition files to be used to initialize other simulations

CLIMAT_out_pilotOutput frequency (in # of model time steps) of pilot files to be used to drive other simulations at the lateral boundaries

CLIMAT_pp_superjobUse super jobs instead of submitting post processing directly