All model "data" output is written in RPN standard files.
There are different types of data the model can output:
Click on the following link for a description of the most common variables: variable dictionarie
All files above are stored in 'machine:directory' as specified by 'CLIMAT_arch_mach' and 'CLIMAT_archdir' in the file 'configexp.cfg'.
The files are organized into the following subdirectories:
Samples | Raw n-hourly/minutely model output |
Diagnostics | Monthly means, variances, and timeseries calculated/assembled by the post processing (only if CLIMAT_diagnos=1 ) |
Analysis | Initial conditions files which can be used to initialize another simulations (only if CLIMAT_out_anal is set) |
Pilots | Pilot files which can be used to drive another simulation at the lateral boundaries (only if CLIMAT_out_pilot is set) |
Listings | Model listings, jobs, and config files |
Restarts | Restart files which can be used to restart a simulation from given check points. Once a simulation is finished remove several of these files to only keep 1 or 2 per year, since they are fairly large. |
And then you should also have this file:
which is a copy of the executable.
2-D and 3-D output
There are four types of output files:
dm | dynamics on model levels |
dp | dynamics on pressure levels |
pm | physics on model levels |
pp | physics on pressure levels |
Direct model output (Samples)
All fields requested in 'outcfg.out' are written into the four types of output files for the requested frequencies.
If 'CLIMAT_diagnos=1' in 'configexp.cfg' the model output will get further processed.
The diagnostics contain:
- monthly means and variances calculated for all model output fields
- 2-D time series for selected fields (if requested and available)
Time series (station data)
In addition to the general 2-D and 3-D output, GEM/GEMCLIM can output time series at selected grid points (stations).
Requesting time series
A few parameters need to be added to the config-file 'gemclim_settings.nml' to output time series. These parameters are are part of the namelist 'gem_cfgs':
Xst_statij | stations chosen at grid points (i,j) for time-series (always in pairs), i.e.: 82, 43, 83, 43, |
Xst_statll | stations chosen at (lat,lon) for time-series (always in pairs) |
P_serg_srwri | number of time steps between time-series writeout |
P_serg_srsus_L | .true. for time-series requested |
P_serg_srsrf_s | List of 2-D variables, i.e.: 'NF','TS', |
P_serg_srprf_s | List of 3-D variables => profiles, i.e.: 'TT','UU','VV', |
P_serg_serstp | times series package stops at this time step 'P_serg_serstp'. Default 99999999 |
Note: Whenever asking for accumulators in time series output, one needs to also ask for them as 2-D fields in the regular output in the file 'outcfg.out' with the same output frequency. Otherwise they will never get reset to zero but accumulate forever!
Looking at time series
Although the time series are written in RPN standard format you will not be able to look at them with 'xrec' or to use 'r.diag' or 'editfst'. But you can have a look at the content using 'voir'.
There is also a program called 'ts2tab' which converts the RPN standard file time series into ASCII files.
Zonal means
Similar to requesting time series one can also request zonal means.
Analysis files
Analysis files are used to initialize the model, which is why we also call them "initial conditions".
Environment and Climate Change Canada (and other institutes) uses comprehensive assimilation processes, combining observation data and previous model output to create the analyses files used to initial their weather forecast simulations.
At UQAM we sometimes use our own model output from previous simulations to initialize other simulations. During a model simulation one can automatically output files which can later get used to initialize another simulation by setting the parameter 'CLIMAT_out_anal' in 'configexp.cfg' to the frequency at which one wants to output these initial condition/analysis files. For example for creating monthly initial condition/analysis files set:
These files will get archive in the directory named "Analysis". They contain all fields needed to initialize a simulation, using the same surface and microphysics schemes.
Pilot files
Pilot files contain all data needed to to drive a LAM (Limited Area Model) simulation at the lateral boundaries.
Usually we use re-analysis data from other institutes (like ERA5) or analysis data from ECCC or data created by our own simulations. During a model simulation one can automatically output files which can later get used to drive another simulation at the lateral boundaries by setting the parameter 'CLIMAT_out_pilot' in 'configexp.cfg' to the frequency at which one wants to output these driving data. For example for creating 1-hourly pilot files set:
These files will get archive in the directory named "Pilots". They contain all fields needed to drive a simulation at the lateral boundaries.
While the model is running the listings (log files) will appear under the directory:
There names will all start with ${GEM_exp}_* (as defined in your 'configexp.cfg').
Once a job/month finished properly they will all get archived under:
'CLIMAT_archdir' is also defined in your 'configexp.cfg'.
Actually, there are up to four zip files under ${CLIMAT_archdir}/Listings/listings_${GEM_exp}.zip:
listings_*.zip | Contains all listings (log files) of finished simulations and their post processing |
configs_*.zip | Contains a copy of all used config files (they get updated during a simulation |
jobs_*.zip | Contains all model and post processing jobs which were created and ran |
cjobs_*.zip | If Chunk_lance was used this file contains all "chunk" jobs |